Continuing from where I left off last time, the end of the tour of KPMG meant it was time for the next business visit. This one was to ASUS. ASUS is a computer company that is quite popular in the U.S.A. However, the company is actually based in Taiwan (a fact I was unaware of). The company was rather an interesting visit, even with the technical difficulties during the presentation. After the presentation (which consisted of a summary of their history and just the different accomplishments they've had) we were given a tour of their building. They showed us that, inside the building, they have a floor of restaurants, some coffee shops, work out equipment, a basketball court, tennis court, and a pool and hot tub for their employees to use. I was surprised just how much they had for their employees and (except for the food I believe) it was all free. Unfortunately, my camera's battery died right when we reached ASUS so I was only able to get one picture while inside the building.
Inside ASUS |
After leaving ASUS, we returned to Taipei 101 to eat dinner in the food court. There, I went with Dr. Peng, Dr. Laurence, Dani, and Chris to this nice restaurant in there (where the staff is required to learn like three different languages) and I got to try soup dumplings (or Xiaolongbao). They were very creative and extremely tasty! After eating and browsing the various shops in Taipei 101, we returned back to the hotel and went to sleep in preparation for the next day.
Learning Chinese Medicine |
The following day had us, once again, waking up and heading to NTNU in order to have another class. This time though, the class would be taught from a doctor about Chinese medicine. I found this to be rather interesting. There was all kinds of medicines that we were told about, but we spent the most time on food medicine, action kung fu, and acupuncture. The food medicine basically described how food can be put into four categories. They are hot, cold, warm, and cool. The different foods can help with anything from muscle pains to diarrhea. The action kung fu was not what I expected it to be. It turned into more just different areas you hit your body, repeatably. The result of this is supposed to help loosen up muscles, relax your body, and make you feel better. One example is a spot you hit on your chest in order to help your lungs. The way you can tell if it is working is that you should start coughing. Thankfully for me, I coughed when I did it, which means my lungs are healthy. My least favorite of this was the acupuncture. It was interesting to hear about the different points that can help to relax and heal the body by sticking a pin into it, but I hate needles. At this point, the doctor was actually putting pins into a spot on people's hands for a demonstration, but I couldn't do it. While I did not enjoy the last part, I really enjoyed the lecture overall and the doctor was an extremely friendly man!
Examples of food with cold character |
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